

  • There is always more than can be learnt fro the free boson, Rocky Mountain Representation Theory Seminar, University of Colorado Boulder.
  • From vertex operator algebras to tensor products, Algebra and Mathematical Physics Seminar, Hamburg University.


  • Vertex algebras with nice structure despite failing all conventional niceness criteria, Algebra Seminar, University of Aberdeen.


  • Logarithmic vs rational conformal field theory – Who really wants to be rational anyway?, School of Physics and Astronomy, Queen Mary University.
  • I ain't afraid of no ghost, The Mathematical Foundations of Conformal Field Theory and Related Topics - A conference in honor of Yi-Zhi Huang, Chern Institute, Nankai University.


  • βγ ghost algebras and the Verlinde formula, Algebra and Mathematical Physics Seminar, Hamburg University.
  • Non-rational conformal field theory with sl3 symmetry, Mathematical Physics Seminar, Glasgow University.
  • Presentations of Zhu algebras from free field realisations, Workshop on vertex algebras and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, University of Split.
  • Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory and the Verlinde Formula, 11th Seminar on Conformal Field Theory, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg.
  • The standard module formalism and affine sl3 at level −3/2, Vertex Operator Algebras and Symmetries, RIMS Kyoto University.
  • N = 2 minimal models at unitary and beyond, Vertex operator algebras, number theory, and related topics — A conference in honor of Geoffrey Mason, California State University, Sacramento.
  • Admissible level osp(1|2) minimal models and their relaxed highest weight modules, Vertex algebras and related topics — A workshop in honor of Mirko Primc on his 70th birthday, University of Zagreb.
  • Classifying simple positive energy modules over vertex operator superalgebras, Mathematics Seminar, University of Melbourne.
  • Yang-Baxter equations and symmetric groups, Mathematics - String Theory seminar, IPMU University of Tokyo.
  • Module classification through free fields and symmetric functions, Conformal field theory and categorical structures, beyond rationality, Utrecht University.
  • Conformal field theory from affine Lie algebras at fractional levels, Quantum Field Theory Seminar, University of Oxford.


  • Vertex algebra module theory made easy-ish, Algebra Seminar, University of Glasgow.
  • Representation theory in conformal field theories, Mathematics High Energy Physics Seminar, Durham University.
  • Classifying positive energy modules in conformal field theory, Shanks Workshop: Subfactors and Applications, Vanderbilt University.
  • Affine vertex operator superalgebras at admissible levels, Representation Theory XV, Dubrovnik.
  • Fusion by hand: The NGK algorithm, Tensor Categories and Field Theory, University of Melbourne.
  • Yang-Baxter equations and the symmetric groups, Mathematics Seminar, University of Melbourne.
  • Module classification in conformal field theory through symmetric polynomials, Theoretical Physics Seminar, Kings College London.
  • What to expect from logarithmic conformal field theory, QFT: Concepts, Constructions & Curved Spacetimes, University of York; Subfactors, K-theory and conformal field theory, INI University of Cambridge.


  • Symmetric functions and their relation to free field vertex algebras, AMS Sectional Meeting, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
  • The rationality of N=1 minimal models through symmetric polynomials, BIRS Workshop: Vertex Algebras and Quantum Groups, Banff.
  • Universal vertex algebras and free field realisations, University of Alberta, Edmonton; Kavli IMPU, Tokyo; Rutgers University, New Brunswick; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame.


  • Minimal models from free fields, ANZAMP Meeting 2015, University of Newcastle.
  • Symmetric polynomials and modules over affine sl 2 at admissible levels, Conference on Lie Algebras, Vertex Operator Algebras, and Related Topics, University of Notre Dame; Symmetries and Spinors Interactions between Geometry and Physics, University of Adelaide.


  • From free field theory to symmetric polynomials, Australia New Zealand Mathematics Convention 2014, University of Melbourne; String-Math 2014, University of Alberta, Edmonton.
  • Symmetric polynomials in free field theories, Rutgers University, New Brunswick; University of Montreal; Laval University, Quebec City; University of Queensland, Brisbane.
  • A working Verlinde Formula for logarithmic CFT, Kavli IPMU, Tokyo; Technical University of Vienna.
  • Rational logarithmic extensions of the minimal models and their simple modules, Modern Trends in TQFT, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna.
  • Conformal Symmetry In Physics, University of Queensland, Brisbane; California State University, Chico.


  • On the extended W-algebra of type sl2 at positive rational level, The University of Tokyo; University of Alberta, Edmonton; University at Albany; Simons Centre for Geometry and Physics, Stony Brook.
  • On the extended W-algebra of type sl2 at positive rational level, String theory, integrable systems and representation theory, RIMS Symposium, The University of Kyoto.


  • Mp+ ,p− the extended W-algebra of sl2 type at rational level, Conformal Field Theory and Moonshine Trimester, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn.
  • Understanding logarithmic CFT, String-Math 2012, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, Bonn.
  • Logarithmic versus non-logarithmic CFT, Australian National University, Canberra.


  • Vertex operator algebras for logarithmic CFT, Vertex Operator Algebras, Finite Groups and Related Topics, Academia Sinica, Taipei.